
Reading, Listening & Watching: Items of Interest

A Book elaborating on the University of Texas 2014 Commencement Address given by Admiral William H. McRaven: Make Your Bed, little things that can change your life and maybe the world

This exceptional man, a retired four star Admiral who led the Navy Seals, recounts the 10 principles he learned in Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges and adversity. The book is a quick read and the video of the actual Commencement Address will give you goose bumps. Over 10 million viewers have seen the video.

A book: Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

The 2002 recipient of Noble Prize in Economic Sciences was an early academic pioneer to explain how human brains are wired for Fast (System 1) and Slow (System 2) processing and how these systems impact financial decision making. Kahneman gives you practical ways you can be better armed against the human brain mechanics that can result in poor decision making.

A book: The Geometry of Wealth: How to shape a life of meaning, by Brian Portnoy

Brian Portony, PhD and CFA, is a well respected academic and author in the field of behavioral finance. This is not a get rich quick read. Rather, Portnoy takes you on a journey to think about how money overlays into a joyful life. Portnoy covers off on the difference between Experienced and Reflective happiness which grounds all of us, regardless of our individual financial circumstances.

A Podcast: Rules of the Money Game, The Morgan Housel Podcast

I'm a big fan of Morgan Housel and highly recommend reading his book, The Psychology of Money, as well as bookmarking his Podcast. The link above takes you to his 3rd podcast episode where he discusses his top 30 rules of the money game...good stuff. Enjoy.



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