Financial Literacy increases your wealth and the Importance of Simplicity
Research has shown that being financially literate can increase your net worth by 30-40%. Don’t let the Perfect (Complexity) be the enemy of the Good (Simplicity).
Money, your life partner and common values
You and your life partner need to be on the same page when it comes to the decision to have combined or separate accounts. Trust, share and communicate.
Understanding Geopolitics and History will make you a better investor
Geopolitics will shrink the pie and understanding history will help you become a better investor
Values and Math gives you the best home decision
There are financial and non-financial considerations when buying a home. This post gives you a few things to consider. Good luck!
It is important to have a conversation with your older self
Having a conversation with your older self will help you make important education and financial decisions.
Knowing what an Employer wants will increase your pay and make you a better employee
Looking for ways to help your employer deliver the best customer experience possible will give you more pay and better opportunities.
The View is Better Outside of the Hole
The view is better outside of the hole. Avoid the debt hole. Know your credit score and how to (and not) use a credit card.
Wealth is Equal to Net Worth …BUT… not all Net Worth is Equal
Net Worth equals Wealth but not all Net Worth is equal. The amount and type of debt and the type of assets makes a big difference to your Financial Security.