Money, your life partner and common values

Money, your life partner and common values

Money, your life partner and common values By Bob Peters || September 23, 2022 Going it Alone, Going it Together I know many adults who are not married or are in a long-term committed relationship with a life partner.  For these folks, being financially literate,...
Values and Math gives you the best home decision

Values and Math gives you the best home decision

Homeownership:  Values, Math and Financial Literacy By Bob Peters || April 13, 2022 Values, Math and Financial Literacy These past several years the price of residential real estate in the US has risen faster than wages earned.  The amount of new housing units...
The View is Better Outside of the Hole

The View is Better Outside of the Hole

Avoid Debt Holes By Bob Peters || December 14, 2021 Past blog posts have referred to the benefit of Investing Wisely in order for you to achieve Financial Security.  While true, there is another side to achieving Financial Security; Avoid debt holes. It’s probably a...