Financial Security:  You Need To Be Your Best Advocate

By, Bob Peters || June 23, 2021

Friends, family, teachers, coaches, etc. are all very important and everyone needs them. We learn from others we respect. These relationships give us support when times are tough as well as a community to help us celebrate moments of achievement and joy.

The best support group will do no good if you are not able to be your best advocate and let your Self Advocate Voice speak up. If you struggle in this regard, be honest with yourself to figure out why.

“Self Advocacy:  The action of representing oneself and one’s views and interests” 

We have all been around people that suck the air out of the room by dominating a conversation.   We have all experienced people who are selfish, self-centered and bully others to get their way.  We know it when we see and hear it.  These people cross the line where self-advocacy ends and narcissism begins.

Let the Self Advocate Voice be your “go-to” inner voice 

Everyone has inner voices.  These voices tell us congratulations when we do a good job and they can also be brutal critiques trying to chip away at our confidence.  Your Self Advocate Voice always has your best interest at heart, you know it is 100% loyal to you and therefore you let it speak the truth to you because it always is looking out for you.  It reminds you to be humble and gracious when you have an accomplishment and it gives you permission to forgive yourself when you stumble.  You can trust your Self Advocate Voice to tell you what you need to do differently to accomplish your goals.

Be good to yourself and let your inner Self Advocate Voice be your friend.


About Me

Bob Peters- My Dad Advisor

My name is Bob Peters and I have spent 36 years in Commercial and Investment Banking leadership working with small, medium and large public and private businesses.  I currently serve as a director of a family office and have many years of teaching financial literacy to young audiences.

My mission is to empower young people with knowledge early in their lives. I truly believe that everyone has the potential to live a financially secure life if they embrace the importance of education and self-discipline. 

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