A Dad’s Advice: Helping prepare young people to live a financially secure and less stressful life

The Sections


Everyone has the potential of achieving Financial Security.  Accomplishing Financial Security is as much about understanding how our brain impacts Behavior as it does having financial acumen.


Life long learning goes beyond formal education and a commitment to learning will give you a richer and more fulfilling life.


Investing well grows your Net Worth.  Growing your Net Worth is the path to Financial Security.  Everyone can be an investor but how you should invest differs based on your knowledge and Field of Study

The Haystack has all of the winners that you need

The Haystack has the winners that you need  By Bob Peters || August 1, 2024Avoid getting poked by the needle The phrase, finding a needle in a haystack, connotates the near impossibility of finding someone or something.  When it comes to investing it may not be quite...

Time: The same investment can be either risky or prudent

The same investment can either be risky or prudent depending on your time horizon. Volatility and expected future returns should align with your short, intermediate and long-term goals.

One man’s discovery of enough wealth

Money, up to a point, can positively impact happiness. How much is enough. This is a story that will help you think about this question.

Embracing a Total Cost of Ownership Mindset will be helpful

Many folks underestimate the total cost of owning an asset after the initial purchase. Whether its a car, a home, or an “experience”, you will be well served to have a total cost of ownership mindset.

Better decision making improves your life

Improving your ability to make decisions that lead to your desired outcomes is worth the effort. Including probabilities into decision making increases the number of good outcomes in your life.

Health Savings Accounts can be awesome for your financial security

The Government currently gives you an investment vehicle that is second to none. If you can take advantage of an HSA you should certainly do so.

Diversification wins in the long run

Capitalism, a Free Market and Creative DestructionBy Bob Peters || May 20, 2023The lifespan of a business is fragileWhen you invest in equity securities of businesses by buying either an individual company stock or a low cost, highly diversified Exchange Traded Fund...

Watch out for Buy Now Pay Later offers

Buy Now Pay Later programs should be avoided because the downside risk is greater than the short term dopamine hit of the purchased item. Just because you can, does not mean that you should.

Insurance: Why it’s important and things to consider

Paying for insurance can seem like a waste of money as months or years can go by without ever making a claim. But insurance can save you from financial ruin so its important to include in your budget

Your golden ticket will give your life meaning and purpose

Three stories of hardship in Africa help reinforce humility and gratitude. Take your golden ticket, explore life and be thankful.

About Me

Bob Peters- My Dad Advisor

My name is Bob Peters and I was fortunate to enjoy a 36-year career in Commercial and Investment Banking.  I currently serve on the board of a family office and pursue teaching financial literacy to young people.

I truly believe that most people have the potential to live a financially secure life if they embrace the importance of education and self-discipline.

The idea of starting this blog was first and foremost to put down, in writing, my thoughts and opinions on topics that I wanted to pass along to my kids and younger members of my extended family.

By empowering young people with knowledge early in their lives, we can make a positive contribution to individuals, their families and society.